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3333 Concours St Bldg #3 Ontario, CA 91764

Tummy tuck surgery and liposuction provide great results for men and women who need help getting rid of those last few pounds that diet and exercise can’t touch. While many patients look into plastic surgery to help them meet their physical and aesthetic goals, knowing which type of procedure will best suit your needs can play a significant role in your final results. To determine whether you need tummy tuck surgery or liposuction, we have provided some information below to help you choose the procedure that will give you the body contours you desire.

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Ideal Candidates

When deciding to undergo any body contouring procedure, one should do so for themselves and not because they wish to please other people. Both tummy tuck surgery and liposuction require patients to be in good physical health and at a stable weight before their surgery. It is also best that you refrain from smoking for at least two weeks before and after your procedure.

Patients considering tummy tuck surgery typically struggle with excess fat, loose skin, and weak abdominal muscles that have developed as a result of pregnancy, weight loss, and aging. Liposuction candidates have good skin elasticity and wish to rid themselves of stubborn fat deposits in various regions of the body that have also developed from pregnancy or weight loss. While tummy tuck surgery and liposuction address specific regions, they both can provide you with:

  • Long-lasting results
  • Slimmer body contours
  • An attractive and balanced figure
  • Increased self-esteem

What’s the Difference?

While both procedures can help patients improve their overall figure by removing unwanted fat and excess skin, tummy tuck surgery and liposuction differ in technique.


Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis using general anesthesia. Patients can choose between traditional liposuction or ultrasound or laser-assisted liposuction to eliminate unwanted fat. During your procedure, a small incision is made in the treatment area and a thin tube (cannula) is inserted under the skin. Excess fat is then gently suctioned out as the cannula is moved in a slow back and forth motion. Liposuction can be used in the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Chest
  • Hips
  • Neck
  • Thighs

Tummy Tuck

May patients who have lost a significant amount of weight develop skin laxity that liposuction alone cannot treat. Tummy tuck surgery can be combined with your liposuction procedure to address not only loose skin and excess fat, but also repair weak and separated abdominal muscles.

During your procedure, you will have the option of undergoing a mini, standard, or extended tummy tuck depending on your needs. An incision will be made near the pubic area and excess skin and fat will be removed. The underlying abdominal muscles are also repaired during this process. The remaining skin is then pulled down, and the incision is closed using surgical sutures.

To schedule a consultation, please contact us today!

Recovery Time and Proper Healing

Once you have undergone your liposuction or tummy tuck procedure, it is crucial that you follow all post-operative instructions from your surgeon. Depending on how much excess skin or fat was removed during your surgery, it could take a few weeks for your body to fully recover.

Woman Relaxing On Couch With Computer On Her Lap

Your Recovery Guide

Protecting Your Incisions

During your recovery, you will be asked to care for your incisions by wearing a compression garment to help minimize swelling. Make sure you avoid getting your wounds wet since they will need time to heal correctly. Once you have been cleared to shower, use a soft rag and warm water to gently clean around the treated area when washing up. If drainage tubes have been applied, it is important to empty any excess fluid or blood.

Sticking to a Healthy Diet

Following your liposuction or tummy tuck surgery, you will experience some swelling and bruising that should resolve after a few days. It is important that you avoid any strenuous activities that can put stress on your body for approximately six weeks. However, you are encouraged to take light walks around the house so blood clots do not develop and the blood can circulate through your body. You will be able to return to work between one and two weeks after your surgery unless told otherwise by your surgeon.  

Maintaining Your Results

Once your body has fully recovered after a few months, you will begin to see immediate results. Unfortunately, it can be just as easy to regain stubborn fat or excess skin if you are not careful. Eating a balanced diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins while also sticking to an exercise routine can help you maintain a slim figure.   

To learn more about tummy tuck surgery or liposuction, please call our office at (909) 291-4900 or schedule a consultation online today!  

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Dr. Andreasen is the premier plastic surgeon in the Inland Empire of SoCal

Troy J. Andreasen, M.D.

3333 Concours St Bldg #3
Ontario CA 91764
Phone: 909-291-4900

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